50th Anniversary Commemoration
For 50 years, OAR has had the honor of journeying with those impacted by the criminal legal system and their loved ones. We have also pushed for racial and economic justice to ensure a better future for all of us. We are grateful for fifty years of working in solidarity with our Arlington, Alexandria, Falls Church and surrounding communities. Thanks to your unwavering support, we have so much to be proud of. At the same time, we also want to acknowledge how far we have to go to achieve a just and equitable world.
When OAR began fifty years ago, we hoped we would not have to exist at this point; unfortunately, due to continued racial and economic injustices, justice, joy, and liberation remain elusive for many. While we honor our work and all those who have contributed to it, we will not forget that the people we journey with are struggling every day, and therefore, we will remain in the fight. Until all communities are fully encompassed by justice, joy, and liberation, OAR must exist.
We will have lots to share as we end our fiscal year and begin honoring our 50th anniversary. Starting with our commemorative 50th-anniversary logo. We could not have done justice to this work without your generous support, and we hope you will join us at the many gatherings we will host this year.
-Elizabeth Jones Valderrama
Collective member of 19 years, including the last nine years as the Executive Director
3 Historic Facts About OAR
1 1974- OAR of Arlington, Alexandria and Falls Church was established by individuals from local faith communities who were volunteering in the local detention facility
2 1975- Rosalie L’Ecuyer is elected the first OAR Board Chair 3 1975- Cathy Schnittker was OAR’s first team member and was hired as Community Service Coordinator
3 1975- Cathy Schnittker was OAR’s first team member and was hired as Community Service Coordinator