OAR Annual Second Chance Fundraising Breakfast 2021 Online Donation Form
*Special notes:
- *If you are an existing monthly donor and wish to increase your gift or if you have made a previous pledge and would like to add more years to your pledge, instead of filling out this form, please email donations@oaronline.org with the amount you would like to increase your gift or the number of years you would like to add to your pledge.*
- *If you are an existing donor with an open pledge, you can make a payment on your pledge by filling out this form and clicking the “Other option” and enter the amount below it.*
- *If you would like to make a direct bank transfer, instead of filling out this form, please email donations@oaronline.org.*
OAR does not rent or sell your contact information.
Gifts to OAR are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. OAR’s tax ID number is 54-1024562.