OAR & Restorative Justice
Restorative justice is the concept that any crime, regardless of size or severity, hurts the community. The restorative justice framework requires that offenders assume responsibility for their actions, realize that an injustice has been committed, and take action in some way to repair the harm done. A community does this by providing resources and opportunities to help offenders demonstrate that they can responsible, productive, law-abiding members of society.
Restorative Justice In Action – Community Service
Community service is a form of alternative sentencing wherein an offender is ordered by a court to perform service as part of a sanction in place of detention or jail. The offender is able to repair some of the damage done by participating in community service. These work assignments promote volunteerism and give both community organizations and workers a chance to benefit from the experience. Offenders can also pay off their court fees by performing community service. OAR supervises juveniles and adults in their community service work. A community service case manager interviews each client and determines the most appropriate work site. OAR clients volunteer at over 300 nonprofit sites and government agencies and participate in community events such as the Arlington County Fair, Air Force Cycling Classic, Columbia Pike Blues Fest, Rosslyn Blues Festival, and the YMCA Car Wash, among others.