Join us Wednesday, October 23 from 4-6PM
Please RSVP here
If you are enrolled in the Community Service Program and are looking to complete community service hours, please do not sign up for the tour or the events below. Instead, contact the OAR at 703-228-7030 to schedule an intake appointment, or email or talk to our team if you have already attended an appointment.
Please RSVP here
Watch our full recording of the event and access to all resources shared here
Click here for more details about how to support this children and families’ program
Join the OAR Mobile Action Network and be a part of millions who care about creating change for those coming home! You will receive information about events, major legislation affecting reentry, and other news sent straight to your cell phone. click here
If you are enrolled in the Community Service Program and are looking to complete community service hours, please do not sign up for the events below. Instead, contact the OAR at 703-228-7030 to schedule an intake appointment, or email or talk to our team if you have already attended an appointment.
Pre-register now for this upcoming Expungement Clinic community event. | Click here to register and for more details